Working With Family DO's and DONT's

So, if you didn't already know we are a family business. There are three of us that make up Bond Street Shoe co; Leo (father), Ann Marie (Mother) and Gabriella (Daughter). 

We have worked together closely for the last three years, and it hasn't been without its ups and downs. Working with family is HARD, especially when you disagree with each other at work and then have to sit at the dinner table together and eat your Sunday dinner, without trying to rebirth said argument (even though you know you're right).

It does however have its perks, we get the spend a lot of time together, and we are very lucky that we get along so well. When you work with family your normal family dynamic is replaced by a completely new set up. Friends laugh at me because i am constantly in work mode; I will often bellow through the house 'ANN MARIE WILL YOU MAKE ME A BREW PLEASE', often forgetting to call her 'mum'. Spending so much time with them allows us to know what buttons not to press, like when myself and Leo travel abroad to purchase our stock, he knows to ask me minimal questions before my third airport coffee (I also know to check in and grab the passports as he would definitely lose both of the above). He also complains that we 'gang' up on him, we disagree (obviously). 

Working together, gives us a huge advantage, we have three brains sizzling away and constantly exchanging ideas. Ann Marie is a merchandising genius, and can visualize and execute anything that springs to mind, Leo is a fantastic buyer and can predict fashion trends probably better than most women i know, personally i love the admin side and organizing the chaos behind running a business. 

There are a lot of people who don't know how we survive it, but we couldn't imagine it any other way. Before you jump into a partnership with family members, or friends, really think whether your relationship could withstand it, and whether the people you are planning on working with are compatible working partners (because you're about to spend A LOT of time with them)

So, DO

1) Be prepared to be in work mode 24/7

2) Learn to bite your tongue

3) Be able to compromise and work as a team

4) Understand that working with family is difficult, but that ultimately it is worth every second


1) Forget how to communicate effectively 

2) Be fooled into thinking that work stays at work, and home life is home life, the two quickly become the same thing.

3) Forget that you are working with people you love, so be respectful of their decision process and trust them. 


If you have any questions please feel free to chat with us, we have a 'chat now' option on our website which takes you to our Facebook messenger service.